Remember, Girl

Remember, Girl, when you take that stage
if you have something worthwhile to say
The corner looks safe, and comfortable
but the center awaits

Remember, no one will offer it to you
Or reassure you that you belong there
Except a true friend. If so, cherish them
If not, you be that friend out there

Remember, girl, when you take to the streets
To walk or run, or dance, or play
Remember you own the ground beneath your feet
And all that space where your hips sway

Why try to hold in and fold up
Let them free- your locks and curls
Let them expand your space as they dance
With the rhythm of your skirt’s swirls

It is all your space, wherever
your feet or fancy can take you
Don’t be apologetic, like an outsider
If you are not, no one can make you

They will search your eyes
to see if you know this
I hope you will feel it
And you will show this

I am not saying it won’t be hard
To have what you believe is yours
I am saying, it’s so easy to lose
If you’re not convinced it ever was

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