Tarot Meditations: August 2020

It is August, the sun is in Leo i.e. in the sign it rules, and the Sun card has also shown up as the starting point of our reading this month!

We may be inspired to access and let our true inner self shine through. In fact the full moon on 3rd August, together with the Sun being in Leo, was an aspect that encouraged us to tap into the compassion, wisdom, courage of our higher self ( i.e. to “borrow from our perfected self” in the words of astrologers).

Tarot Meditations: August 2020
Starting Point: Sun; Movement Towards: 4 of Swords, reversed: Challenge: Queen of Swords, Tools: 10 of Pentacles

Tarot Meditations August 2020

The bright optimistic Sun energy indicates that the time for contemplation is now complete, and it is time to turn to action (4 of Swords, reversed). There were couple of other cards showing up in the post-shuffle which also implied no more ‘going with the flow’ or being passive, but time to take charge with optimism (Hanged Man, reversed, and 6 of Wands). The August card in the 2020 overall reading had also carried the energy of speeding up, and not getting bogged down by details (Knight of Pentacles, reversed).

With the sun shining bright, and having had time for contemplation, chances are you also see what you need to do. But when the sun shines bright, you see everything- things come out from the shadows into plain view, and hard truths stand before us face to face (Queen of Swords). If you find it is hard to speak your truth, or to do what needs to be done, look for strength and reassurance in that which is stable and foundational in your life (10 of Pentacles).

What brings you a sense of stability? It may be family, community, people in your life, values from your parents, wealth, your innate sense of who you are in the world.. Root into that for strength, touch your foundations for reassurance, and then leap on into an authentic path. If you notice that the foundations are missing or weakened, work on a plan to build or strengthen them.

I have a whole separate message for those who have children. I smelt baby powder with the Sun card, and this message is more immediate.

The simple message is to pay close attention to your children in coming weeks. This is not for everyone, but to be aware in case it applies to you. It is possible that one or both parents may be separated from the family for a while- perhaps on account of work, even sickness or quarantine, or other obligations. Or they may even be in the same home, but need to be by themselves for some reason, maybe extremely busy, or sick.

If this is the father (likely), the mother is likely to be extremely overwhelmed and perhaps also pre-occupied by other challenges. It is better to have very clear communication at this time regarding responsibilities of children, rather than implicitly assuming that the other is taking care of it. Seek help from others if needed. It may be good to check in with your child about what is catching their interest these days, and who they are interacting with.

Also, it would be good to check your walls and structural integrity of your home- literally and figuratively, more so if you live close to a water body. Also check behind curtains, and wall hangings. Especially don’t ignore water damage/ seepage etc. I don’t think there’s any need for alarm, but simply calling close attention to home and family. If you find that this message applies to you, I would be curious to hear from you.

Have a safe and sunny month!

3 Comments on “Tarot Meditations: August 2020”

  1. Interesting! It doesn’t apply to me (yet) but my apartment complex began massive repairs in August… A lot of balconies had their balcony plasters coming off. I look forward to reading more such from you!

    1. Thanks for sharing that feedback, very interesting! I went for individual readings instead of the general one, for September. Don’t yet know what I will do for October 🙂 Your comment has set me thinking about it!

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