Tarot Meditations: November 2020

Tarot Meditations November 2020

A strong message about structural changes comes up again. This post talks about this theme, what you can focus on, and a little about the US election outcome.

The first two cards this month (Emperor, King of Wands reversed) look quite similar to the first two cards from last month (Emperor, 3 of Wands reversed). Meditating on the Emperor card, I get the sense of an age or era coming to an end. I feel the emperor, old and worn out, up all night, realizing at dawn that it is a new day. Not his day, or his time anymore. Time to descend from the throne, go home. The Emperor signifies authority structures, ways of organization in our world which are deeply entrenched.

Tarot Meditations November 2020

However what comes next? That feels shaky. It feels like those in authority may lack long term orientation, not taking charge or action, or being too reckless and irresponsible in their actions (King of Wands, reversed). It is even likely the structures begin to lose relevance altogether for a time.

There is an element of destiny at play, a dance of cause and effect playing out that is inevitable.. and before our eyes something new and different is taking shape (The Hanged Man), though we may not see the full picture yet.

It’s time to move perspective from the external to the internal.. focus on things that are alive, and that grow. There’s too much chaos, and too many things beyond our control. But notice on what it is that makes you feel alive, that aligns with your inner peace and inner growth. Protect that (7 of Wands).

The case for this is further strengthened by the 2 clarifier cards that capture the essence of this message: the King of Pentacles reversed signifies the end of the age of materialism (the gross), and the Page of Cups indicates the beginning of the age of emotion and spirituality (the subtle). The astrological community has been talking about this shift towards the end of 2020, for a while now.

Tarot Meditations November 2020
Clarifier cards (King of Pentacles reversed, Knight of Cups)

The US Election

This month of course also sees the US election outcome. What are the cards pointing to? It appears like it begins with some deep disappointment/ depressing outcome. Something which indicates a split… between the mood and reality, or between people, or even between the state and people. A major shift may likely occur along with chaos, which may even feel like chaos for the sake of chaos.  A choice or decision may further be up to be made, and it would occur in the context of underhanded dealings, unclear context, lack of transparency.. something that feels murky. The eventual outcome may have something untraditional or breaking away from the usual rules. It is possible that power may land in hands of someone who is not mature, responsible or clear headed, especially someone who may fail to unite people or take clear actions.

Tarot Meditations November 2020
US Election Outcome Spread

Across the 3 spreads, the prevelance of reversed kings (three of them in fact) and reversed Hierophant (holder of tradition), is noteworthy, and quite literally asking us to imagine the current structures upside down on their heads. If there’s one thing that Tarot teaches us, it is that chaos and upheaval are pathways to a higher vibration, next step of the evolution. It is encouraging to keep that perspective front and center.

Stay safe and well everyone!

2 Comments on “Tarot Meditations: November 2020”

  1. Reiki and Tarot reading is one of the best thing and it tells most of true about our life. I always trust on tarot reading and thanks for sharing this information.

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