
“Are you made of the stars?” he asked
She looked down and laughed,
at the moonrays twinkling
on her satin night-dress

“Are you of the sea?”
He asked as the waves of her hair
Flew along the night-time breeze
.. sand from the beach still entangled
In the strands

“I see you now
and no matter how much I look
I feel I have just found you
and haven’t fully grasped the sight that is you
as if you evaporate into the elements every time I blink my eyes
and form again anew every time I open them”

“Are you magic?” he asked
“I feel you are another world
And by touching parts of you
I will touch parts of me
That I don’t even know exist”

She did not remember who she was
But as he watched, under the moonlight
Next to the sea
She was all those things
She became all those things


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