
‘We are all connected’

This has come to mean completely different things

In the last fifty years, or wait, not even

Maybe twenty, or ten

Difficult to say

The sense of time is so warped

Now that we are all connected


When she is standing by a bridge

There is a picture of her

That everyone has seen

Everyone talks about the deep look in her eyes

And they all smile

Because they are all connected

And no one knows that she wonders

If she should jump


They are popping champagnes

And the sound is reaching out

Across the globe

The dresses are impeccable

As well as the smiles

And no one has the time to see if they reach the eyes

There is one loud cheer

Because they are all connected

And he has no one paying enough attention

To whom he can voice the doubts he still has


They all look triumphant

Like everything got figured out

And it’s no more cool to have doubts

Or voice fears or to not smile

Just look like everything is a jolly jolly time


Still sometimes in moments you see

That nobody’s got anything figured out

But it’s not a done thing to talk about that too much

Because you see, such things are dangerous

Possibly contagious

And who can afford that

Now that we are all connected


The templates are pre-approved

The actions

And the reactions

Life, experiences, expressions

That is the glue that binds us

Now that we are all connected



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