Croatia Once More (I): Split & Hvar

Two years back, we had planned a trip through Amsterdam and Croatia with my parents, and they were at the last moment unable to make it due to some extenuating circumstances. The good news is, they were able to visit both beautiful places this time round! My Mum finally got to witness the Dutch tulips in full bloom at Amsterdam, a long-held wish (Amsterdam Tulip Tales: 30 years and counting..). And we headed together to Croatia- this time, though, dear husband was unable to make it at the last moment. But well, we make the best of what we get.

So what that means is I got to wear the ‘Official Tour Navigator’ hat, which I am proud to report I carried off with reasonable ease. Yes, I think so. It helps of course, that it was my folks with me, who are the best. And we were in Croatia, which is beauty, simplicity and ease at its best.

The trip was ambitious, covering a round-trip from Split and back, covering three islands along the way in a week: Hvar, Dubrovnik and Korcula.

Split was its vibrant self, not yet full-tourist season yet bubbling with positive energy. My folks loved it!

Split aglow in the light of the setting sun
A view from the top..a long flight of steps leads you here..
..a chance to reflect..


At the Diocletian’s palace.. Mum and Dad had a sword fight with the Diocletian soldiers. Those pictures are hilarious, but I reserve them so as not to undermine the authority of the soldiers. Yes, they lost. Happily, I may add 😉
Mum was captivated with the green markets, and.. oh, candy stores!
Nice luxurious lunches, brunches,’s hard to leave this place

We said goodbye to Split for our first island- Hvar. Now, Hvar has a reputation as the party island of Croatia. But we found was a simple little town, almost a village, with children playing in the town square, church choirs practicing at night, lovely helpful people (we found our host out looking for us when the boat docked even though we had not requested a pick-up), and oh, the most beautiful sunsets!

The quintessential Croatian cobbled streets and stone houses


Just the view leaving home..
The massive open town square
Blending in..
At the Franciscan Monastery


You could look at the blue waters forever.. like this one literally did
The old town’s royal architecture..


Our lunch spot..warm sunshine, family, good food and lots of time. Nothing more needed.
.. except this sinful dessert! To be gobbled up before the stuffed ice-cream melts


Hvar has this fort that you cannot miss from water or land.. On May-Day, there was a massive celebration up there
and we weren’t gonna miss a party!


Captivating views from the top, while the local boy-band played it up in the background


That’s the sunset I was talking about.. 🙂

Hvar turned out to be a serene little island with a strong flavour of slow living. We turned next to Dubrovnik, a different flavour. More on that later 🙂

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