Dance with me..

Dance Poetry

The music changed
Ever so subtly
From a bubbly champagne
To a deep red wine
The mood…
imperceptibly infused with crimson
The dance floor
full of lovers’ feet
magnetically pulled mine

I am on the dance floor
And you
And a meeting, dancing gaze
We move gracefully all across the floor
Arriving at last face to face

We shall dance, you and I
We shall have our own sweet style
When I take one step forward
You shall take one back
And vice versa, the whole while

You don’t touch me
Unless it is, to lift me high above the world
Spinning me round and round
Till all below is but a blur

And let me fall.. Free fall,
And oh, I land deftly on both feet
You can arch your brow in surprise
And mine, can mirror yours in glee

I don’t touch you, unless it is
to cover your eyes with my hand
And you continue to dance
And navigate the world with my scent

And so we shall dance
You and I
In our own sweet style
Smiling and gazing
Apart and together
Like same-pole magnets, all the while

Rising and falling
Spinning and steadying
Leading and being led

Blinded and seeing
Sober and drunk
Dodging and in step

The mood still feels crimson when
I land on my feet once more
And I steady my gaze to look at you
Still happily reeling from a heady blur

And now I don’t see you…
Nowhere on the whole dance floor
I wonder if you left
And I find there is no door

With every passing moment,
I become unsure if you were here at all
What of the rhythm and the steps
And the distance and the closeness
And the rise
And the fall

Did I imagine it completely?
I wonder if there’s such a chance
I’m smiling as I gather my dress and my breath
Because I know for sure
Boy, I did dance!


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