
Generosity is the currency of relationships

You become generous when you realize that the purpose of another’s existence is not to fulfill your mental image of them or your ideal reality

You become generous when you admit you have no special rights in the universe for anything to be in your favor every time, or even this time

You become generous when you are not constantly guarding against being cheated, double crossed or mistreated

Because generosity flows through an open heart, which a suspicious eye has a strange way of blocking

Generosity comes naturally when you have trust in your own wisdom and judgment of a situation or person

For it is a gift to be given freely but not unthinkingly

Generosity is stepping out of your personal footprint, seeing and accepting the humane imperfections in others and the self

Generosity is the weapon of choice when you are finally a big enough person

Who knows the opponent is only Smallness, in the self or another


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