Mind Body Soul (I)

mind body soul

Few weeks back I got very excited about a project idea that ‘hit’ me as inspiration one fine day. With time, I started to feel that the purpose of that idea occuring to me, was not for the actual idea itself, but to spark off one of its tiny elements into a bigger flame. An element which I would have considered inconsequential to the bigger idea itself- It was a specific book. On mind-body connection. (Side note: Intuition guides us in mysterious ways)

Over several days I found myself getting more and more interested in the mind-body connection (the overall project idea itself- nothing to do with mind-body connection per se- receded, having served its purpose).

Things started coming to me. Chance conversations, clients, trainings, all began pointing further in this direction.

Last week it was time for an online retreat with Dr.Gabor Maté. It was not an insignificant commitment- spread over 4 days including weekend, and it was not a free event. I had watched Gabor’s movie, “The Wisdom of Trauma” earlier this year, and when I saw this event advertised, I felt a pull in my body and made the booking. That’s pretty much as sophisticated as my decision making gets on most things. I do not recall even reading the event description in any degree of detail.

When the event began, it occurred to me that I had no idea what it was about. I had simply landed. Ok, I had a vague reason in my head- that I would learn something that would make me a better coach. It soon became clear that it was not a training. The beautiful souls part of this retreat were all in one way or another overcoming trauma, and facing its challenges.

Surprise surprise, one of the big themes running through the event was the mind-body connection. On Day 1, I sat there all neat and curious, pen and notebook ready, making notes. The didactic portions were sparse, much of the time was spent with Gabor counselling individuals one on one through Compassionate Inquiry. The distance one adopts as a ‘curious learner’ began to fade as the human experience became increasingly raw and personal.

“Even if you are not the one being worked with, you will find something that answers your question,” the facilitators said. I didn’t have a question. I was just there. I had simply landed. For 4 days. Having paid money.

When we respond to another’s experience, there is something in us that knows that experience in our own subjective way. In that sense, along the line of unique individual circumstances, runs a line of shared human condition.

Often when someone would express a loss of hope, inability to muster self-compassion, or lack of trust in one’s own internal resources to heal oneself, Gabor remarked, “And yet, there is a part of you that knew/hoped/was able enough, that brought you here.”

Every time he said it, his eyes glinted, “Something brought you here.”

On the morning of day 2, I typed my question.


(I anticipate this will be a multi-part write-up. We’ll know for sure when the other parts arrive  :))

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