First Oil Painting!

Of all things on a buy and sell facebook page, I came across an oil painting class being offered by a lady within stone’s throw from my place. And so one Sunday couple of weeks of back I headed up, also enrolling couple of friends in heady excitement. 

When most of us imagine ourselves with a paintbrush, we typically imagine a free flow, we imagine ourselves freely expressing ourselves and throwing paint across a blank canvas that transforms into a piece of art. Of course I have learnt over a period of time that anything looks effortless not because it is effortless but because so many hours and hours of effort have gone into it that it ‘appears’ by now effortless in the hands of one who is practiced. This class was a reminder of the same. Our instructor was extremely methodical and systematic- she had us draw proportions first on a paper, then on a canvas, then touch paint.. that too not without proper instruction.

She knew we were first time oil painters and that did not stop her from criticizing every single detail. She sighed and she grunted. We were okay to paint like beginners, she was not. She made me produce something better in one session than I would have otherwise done over weeks, if not months.

This below is what I am quite proud of. She said it is ok for a first attempt 🙂

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And here’s me, being ridiculously proud of every pencil, and brush stroke..


Pic Credit: My friend PM

I will surely try it again!

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