Not to be, to be

You are this person in your mind.

You do certain things, which define who you are and what values you hold… except in that particular situation when you didn’t do it.

You believe wholeheartedly in some things… except that one instant when this belief was not enough.

You are a certain way, a clear set of descriptors and identity, creating a self-image… till you come across someone in response to whom these descriptors melt away.

Detach for a moment from that certainty that you know as yourself, and dwell instead in those rare instances of a ‘lapse’ of ‘you’. Watch those lovingly, and lightly.. they are the shape of you…like the boundaries of the silhouette you call ‘yourself’..and your nooks and crannies.

What is it that elicits the deviation from your norm perhaps says more about you than does your norm itself. A rare glimpse of (and attention to) such a deviation and its cause is among the clearest glimpses one gets of the real ‘self’.



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