The Utter Delight of Working from Home

Work from home

Because working from home is all about efficiency.. about not just working seriously, but also appearing to do so, this shall proceed without much prologue and with bullet points. Bullet points, as we know by now, are the ultimate harbinger of fact and true wisdom.

If anyone had any doubts about the value and efficacy of working from home options, I attempt to alleviate them by enumerating its many advantages:

• Working from home is all about efficiency. It helps you fully realize your capacity to disappoint ALL stakeholders in your life (personal and professional) simultaneously.

• Working from home helps you gain a healthy, balanced perspective. You get to find out what people are really like when they think you are not paying attention. It’s actually like a personalized enactment of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’. Your near and dear ones, as well as your work colleagues, get used to assuming that you don’t really exist.

In my case, dear husband will at some point give up attempts to uphold my pretend existence after hovering unsuccessfully ‘looking for something’ in the same room where I am working. He, who has been practicing higher order Math for fun in recent times, will give in to solving whatsapp-forwarded Math problems that ‘only geniuses can solve’. Mainly the ones sent by my mum on the extended family whatsapp group. I will only be interrupted for urgent burning questions. “Sorry to disturb. But I sent the answer to her puzzle 2 hours back. She has not responded if it is correct. Should I call her up?”

I will encourage him without reservation. He will hesitate, keep checking his Whatsapp. In time he will call her up to discuss the method of solving the problem. This will happen many times over.

When I am at my Mum’s she will have to interrupt me with a completely different question, “I sent a Math puzzle on the group. He has not sent any response.. is he busy?” I will tell her without looking up, “I think you might have missed his response. Check again.” She does. He did indeed respond, she is delighted. Another conversation may ensue over the phone.

Everyone is doing fine.

• Working from home is all about flexibility. You will have the bliss of existing in 2 states at once- like Schroedinger’s cat. You will be considered both to be working and not to be working. While we all throw the phrase around all the time, you figure nobody quite knows what working from home means. Several colleagues who call you will begin by apologizing to have to interrupt you while you are away in your far-off homeland. “That’s ok. I am working,” you clarify.
Friends and family will vilify evil corporate, “How unfair you have to work while you are on holiday!”
“No I am not on holiday- I am working from home.”
They nod, still sympathizing. You no longer try to turn away their sympathy- by now you are convinced your situation deserves it.

• Working from home affords you more time to think things through. You get to sit alone in a room for some 11 hrs straight while all of the above goes on, and question the meaning of existence. To question what you are doing with your life. Till the phone ring interrupts you and you hear yourself answer, “No that’s ok, I am working.”

There was meant to be a fifth bullet point. Perhaps something about uninterrupted concentration. For the moment I forget since I got that phone call.

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2 Comments on “The Utter Delight of Working from Home”

  1. Shefali, so to say, I am “working from home” since retirement.
    Nicely written with a lot of wry humour.

    1. Thanks Sir 😊 Yes I believe your schedule falls under the ‘formidable’ category of ‘work from home’ schedules!

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