Tarot Meditations: October 2019

Tarot Meditations October 2019

The cards this month bring a delightful energy we often hope for – new beginnings: 2 Page cards! One in the area of material reality/ abundance, and the other in feelings/creativity/love/ spirituality. Land and water, gross and subtle. The other cards carry numbers of success and stability. The theme of stability is present but not in the current moment- it may be left behind or building towards (4-card in reverse). This goes well with the theme of new beginnings.

Tarot Meditations October 2019

Looking into the placement of cards in the spread, the messages begin to emerge. One thing about Tarot is that it usually emphasizes balance. At other times it emphasizes how any particular tendency is neither positive nor negative but appropriate within a certain context. This month, however, the cards seem to be shouting with a clear message: “It is time! Take that step.”

The Pages indicate both an opportunity as well as inner readiness- a certain internal knowing that it is time. Time to rally your will and resources and act (Chariot). The time for contemplation and withdrawal is coming to an end (4 of Swords reversed).

The placement of the Pages says much about the nature of manifesting this new beginning. There is an opportunity to lay the foundations of a new project/ study area/ even a relationship, in the real world. However quite often we wait for a complete emotional readiness, or a sense of emotional fulfillment from something before we feel safe enough to lay down roots. We want the assurance before the fact that we will feel good as a result of an action. We wear an armour, keep swords at the ready, and retreat into slumber (4 of swords), waiting for that perfect external force that will get through to us in our hibernation and only then we will rise (The book 78 Degrees of Wisdom compares the 4 of Swords to the Sleeping Beauty- lying listless waiting for the perfect Prince to come and rouse her).

This reading encourages us to begin taking the first steps, manifesting little things, and overcoming challenges as you go- and that emotional openness opens the door for emotional satisfaction. You build towards emotional fulfillment rather than demand it a-priori.

In a happy coincidence, the day after I had done this reading and written the above in my notes, I met a gentleman who talked about how spiritual practices confuse people because they approach them as an ‘objective science’ where they try to read about them, compare different schools of thought and understand them through the intellect. However these are subjective sciences, which you first experience, and then understand. Action first (Page of Pentacles), followed by insight (Page of Cups).

Sometimes we do get crazy lucky and get the love/ creative streak/ spiritual insights (Page of Cups) without putting in the work, but it would be immature to expect it as a matter of course. In fact we may even be at risk of losing these lucky draws if we do not provide them grounding and structure (Page of Pentacles). The reading reminds us that perhaps counter-intuitively, when we get structure, routine and the mundane in order, we open up the conditions and receptivity for creative opportunities and insight.

There is also a reminder to approach opportunities with a spirit of exploration and play (Pages). All the endless waiting to begin (4 of Swords) happens when there is too much attachment to the outcome or to winning (Chariot). But there is no need to wait for anything in order to enjoy the process or play.

Every now and then I hear someone say, “I don’t even know what I want.” And I wonder if they mean they want to do something which is not economically viable, they don’t have time for etc. But some of them will reiterate simply not knowing what they want. I stay on the lookout for an answer to this. How does one find out what they truly want?

Some time back I heard an author explain that what one wants to give up in the face of repeated failure is often the path dictated by the ego, but that which one doesn’t feel the need to give up even upon repeated failure is likely the path of the soul. This is brilliant, I thought, because on that path, there is no success or failure. There is only the path, for itself.

It’s possible that sometimes we know that answer but tell ourselves, “No, this can’t be it. My soul wants me to make paper boats all day?” We may feel we have not yet found the answer because we expect it to be more grand, more world-changing, less silly etc. That is the ego-voice. Make those boats, then some more, see what happens.

The cards this month are asking the questions:

  • What are you afraid to start, because you are too invested in winning or in making it perfect?
  • What are you waiting to feel, before you let yourself begin something new?
  • What calls to you towards exploration and play?
  • What gives you joy in its doing, even if you don’t succeed?



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