Tarot Meditations: March 2020

Tarot Meditations March 2020

In light of all the disruption going on across the globe, I am starting to relate to my note posted towards end of January (Tarot Meditations: January 2020) where I mentioned the cards being highly excitable and throwing up Tower (disruptive transformation) and Death (endings/ profound transformation) cards multiple times before even getting into the actual reading, indicating bigger universal forces at work.

Tower card shows crashing of structures, and if one had to pick a card for plummeting markets, it would be the exact one (lightning striking and displacing earthly crown). Death card, while unlikely to indicate actual death in case of individuals getting a reading, can often indicate ill health. The death card had sprung out 4 times. (Hopefully there will also be absolution as symbolized in the Judgment card which had also shown up. That, in fact, is the ‘purpose’ if one may say so, of the disruptive forces in the tarot journey.) I am still learning and getting fascinated by all the ways in which the cards speak. Sending everyone good vibes and wishes to stay safe.


Now on to the messages for this month…

Does your wisdom make you feel alive? Feel true to yourself, and like a child of the universe?
Or does your wisdom pull you towards a dull life… towards life measured out in small packets?
What do you choose to call wisdom?
What is the proper function of wisdom in your life?

Tarot Meditations March 2020
March Spread: Starting point/ Focus- Temperance (Reversed);  Move towards- The Sun;  Challenge- The Hanged Man;  Tools- Knight of Wands

Among the strongest tests of wisdom is in letting go. Discerning what it is exactly that must be let go. When is it time to let go? How would you know when you have let go, and when it is an illusion?

First requisite of wisdom, then, must be courage. For you must be courageous enough to look at the truth and acknowledge what you see.

What do you see?

If you sense an illusion, what looks like letting go may actually be hanging on to a familiar branch. What is the essence of that branch that you are scared/ unwilling to let go?

If you moved forward, what would it mean to carry that essence with you wherever you go?
You will be provided for at the destination. But the journey is a test of you. The sun that will bring lushness and life at the destination will scorch deserts along the way. It is the fire within that counters the heat of the journey.

What fires you up?
What scorching path awaits you?

Who are you when you are most alive and authentic?
In light of that, what is a worthy destination?



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