Tarot Meditations: October 2020

Tarot meditations October 2020

Last month I tried something new in place of this monthly tarot reading for the collective. I had fun giving away a certain number of individual one-card messages as well as one on one readings. I notice that one on one sessions are the most effective format, and also that I need to spread them out. So this month I waited for clarity to arrive on what format I want to follow.

First, I received the image of a single card: The Page of Swords, before even touching the cards. I kept seeing this card for last 2 days and yesterday the message arrived as well:

Tarot Meditations October 2020

The world of the mind is intoxicating and comforting. Playing with thoughts, beliefs and ideas can give us the feeling that we are figuring things out, or in fact even that we are doing things. But ask: Where is the evidence of any doing? If the sharp sword of your intellect is only brandishing in the air, it’s a great showcase of the shine of the sword, but an untainted sword shows inexperience of life. The thing to showcase is not the sword, nor the skill of wielding the sword, but the catch or the carving created. Bring your talents and resources to purpose. Where, in your life, are you brandishing your sword about without taking the risk of actually getting your sword dirty?

Further, I felt guided to a new 4-card format, with no fixed positions, just a more free-flowing story/ interpretation. Working with the tarot deck for this, the Page of Swords- while not in the reading below, did show up during the shuffle and at the bottom of the deck once all the 4 cards as below were drawn. The message of the reading is as follows:

Tarot meditations October 2020

Sometimes we become so attached to the structures of our life, that the only purpose those structures serve anymore is to give us a sense of identity (The Emperor). Sometimes those structures do not actually serve any real need anymore. Think of a king without a kingdom or subjects. He may know very well that calling himself King has no real meaning. And he doesn’t know who he is, if he is not that. You will know the rules, structures, roles or titles which are like this, from how they have a sense of brittleness. The word “overdressed” comes to me. You may feel overdressed. Or underdressed, for that matter. Either you have outgrown the situation/ structure, or the structure/ situation is outgrown you. There is insecurity. I smelled water seeping into the cement of the throne.

Another tell will be that you simply cannot see the horizon anymore.. imagining a future has become impossible (3 of Wands, reversed).

If any of this resonates for you, consider if you are ready to become tiny again, just one of the many.. a nobody.. to stand for a while in grief, loss and loneliness that comes with fully seeing and standing in truth after a long time of running circles around it (Queen of Swords).

The gift on the other side of this, eventually… will be signs of life once you start to once again hear the birds sing and feel the wind in your hair. The gift will be to start all over again, to be a learner, a seeker, an amateur. The gift will be building with your own hands, figuring things out, finding your tribe, finding your church, finding yourself (3 of Pentacles).

On this side, be ready to work- knowing that it won’t go 100% per plan, knowing that you will need other people because you don’t know it all, knowing that there is wisdom that existed before you that you can access and leverage.

I believe the Page of Sword’s message is fully aligned with this reading. It is urging the Emperor to find the sword that has fallen into disuse, and carve the path to newness with it.

Finally, quite unrelated to this message, I’m curious about what will be happening in the sky/ space in coming weeks, some kind of activity/ conflict/ fire in the sky.

Happy October! Stay well, stay safe.


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