Tarot Reading: Dominant Themes for 2020

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020

2020 so far has turned out to be something incredible and frankly, overwhelming.

I typically use tarot cards towards nudges for personal/ spiritual development for myself and others, however this reading is more predictive. When the Death card kept falling out face up during the pre-shuffle of my monthly reading in late January 2020 , I noted in my post then that this seemed significant enough to pay attention (Tarot Meditations: January 2020 ). Other cards also pointed to big energy at play in 2020. At that point I had no idea how exactly that energy would play out, but very quickly in the weeks that followed the Co-Vid19 pandemic has taken over the world with an unforeseen level of disruption.

Even in my interpretations below, I want to add the disclaimer that my wisdom is much smaller than that of the cards themselves. I will keep checking as we go through the year how each card’s energy is fully playing out, and will continue to use this reading as backdrop of my monthly readings as well.

I did a 12 card spread with 1 card for each month of the year (shown below), with the query of what will be the dominant theme in the world each month. I followed it up with another 12-card spread with a clarifier card for each card of the primary reading and also generated some cards specifically for the corona-virus situation in some months.

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020
January to December 2020 Tarot Spread

Before we get into these month-wise descriptions, sharing the broad themes:

•  Endings: There is massive energy towards completion of cycles (Two 10’s), endings, and transformation (Death card). Things which cannot be carried into the future, or in fact, do not serve the future (that is inevitably creating itself), will be shed. Death card implies these are inexorable forces, unbending to individual will and demand a readiness to face them for what they are.
The two 10’s are placed very interestingly one below the other: the 10 of Swords in April and the 10 of Cups in October, and the energy of the 2 could not be more different. It is highly likely that it is the pain and exhaustion of the former which is transformed into the latter eventually… somehow the first facilitates the second.

•  Stability: 4 is a number of stability. The year 2020 adds to 4, and there are two 4’s in this reading. Intimately related to the theme of endings, and shedding what doesn’t serve the future, this theme explores laying foundations for what needs to be created. Stability does not happen overnight, but is built towards. As a first step, the ground we stand on itself is dug up.

•  Worldly progress: With the major arcana card of Chariot, many questions around worldly progress will come into focus.

•  Maturing: There is a push towards being more socially responsible (with the knights showing progression towards kings)

•  Emotions and material reality: This year will be high on emotions (Cup cards), and high on implications on the financial/ political world (Pentacles cards).

January: Knight of cups (Clarifier: Hierophant)
Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020The start of the year, as often with new years and new beginnings, carried the energy of seeking all things fine and beautiful. The clarifier also indicates having a sense of being protected by conforming to social structures and existing authority structures (relative to later months).
Temperance (reversed) card specific to the corona-virus situation indicates that a balance has been lost and the situation tethered on becoming extreme. By end of January, when China decided to lock down Wuhan eventually, cases in other countries had already started to come up, indicating global spread had begun.

February: Death (reversed. Clarifier: High Priestess, reversed)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020The Death card had shown up as the ‘Challenge’ in my January monthly reading, and in February here it’s in reverse. Death implies that an enormous shift is a given. An end of an era. Transformation. Illnesses, and yes also death. The only open choice remains how one deals with it. The reversed card shows that while the inexorable Death force was looming over the world, the attitude towards it was one of denial or passiveness (also reinforced by the clarifier card).
It is indeed true that during this time the Coronavirus situation had picked up momentum, and at the same time was not yet fully understood by rest of the world and authorities. Many countries did not begin quarantines, locking down international travel and movement etc till later in March.

The clarifier card also reinforces secrets coming to light- in February we got to know that China knew of the nature of the pandemic before they raised alarm to rest of the world.

March: 4 of Wands (Clarifier: Ace of Cups, reversed)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020The energy in March focuses on community. While the energy is far from being a happy one, there is a sense of mild optimism as well. Actions begin to be taken towards stabilizing situation and acting/ seeing ourselves as a community- even a global community. The 4 of wands card is sometimes seen as a card of ‘homecoming’ and it’s curious how people are literally having to stay at home and be with their families. Figuratively, it is also pushing us to ponder what home really is, what does it mean to be a community, and what do we need to come home to?

Watch out for repressed and destructive emotions. While we are in the middle of very high anxiety and disruption already, it appears that compared to what comes in April, this is a much lighter energy.

April: 10 of Swords (Clarifier: Knight of Swords)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020The energy in April is one of immense grief and feeling like resources have bottomed out. The 10 of swords also typically implies a painful ending, and one can only hope that the worst of the corona-virus situation passes once this ‘bottoming out’ occurs. Take care of yourself and your people more than ever before, physically and mentally/ emotionally.Both April and May are also suffused with very reckless energy, perhaps translating to reckless immature actions by people, or recklessness of the pandemic itself.
More hidden knowledge may come to light.

(Just a reminder that it is possible that we begin to talk of something other than the pandemic in subsequent months since this reading is of most dominant energy, not necessarily specific to the pandemic, but it seems like the likely biggest factor to the dominant energy for the foreseeable weeks and months.)

May: Knight of Swords, Reversed (clarified by Knight of Wands, reversed)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020
Ok, so the reckless energy is in the extreme here. There may be all kinds of extreme actions, not sufficiently thought through, often not based in fairness and justice.
Alternately, if the reckless energy of the knights is attributed to the spread of the pandemic itself, this may mark a slowing down.

June: 9 of Cups (Clarified by 8 of wands)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020We are being called upon to count our blessings, notice the pleasure in simple things. There is a sense of slowing down of actions and onslaughts and it is just as well as there is a need felt to recoup strength. Actions being taken may lack sufficient foresight and analysis, other actions may run into delays and hurdles.
We may also be called upon to address sensory over-indulgences and superficiality.

July: King of Cups (Clarified by Devil, reversed)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020July sees a sharp turn of energy. There is an unshackling from feeling like a victim of circumstances, and a move towards taking responsibility, and socially responsible action. There is willingness to accept responsibility of our own actions, and attempt to restore balance. It is interesting to see how the self-indulgent, romantic Knight of Cups from January grows into the mature, responsible King of Cups in July just below. Benevolent energy may also come from leaders and their decisions.

August: Knight of Pentacles, reversed (Clarified by Justice)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020A thorough slowing down of progress, especially in the financial sense. There may be too much cautiousness and inertia. At the same time, there emerges clear understanding of the cause and effect of things, as well as acceptance of the reality, perhaps making peace with a new normal (Hanged Man card for the Corona-virus situation).

September: Chariot, reversed (Clarified by 5 of Swords, reversed)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020What does progress mean? What does achievement mean? Who should be considered a winner? Who should be respected? What is civilization? The meanings of many of things which seemed established and universally agreed, may start to become less clear. Selfishness and dishonorable behavior can be seen leading to discord and despair rather than success. The Moon card for the corona-virus situation indicates that the fears and confusion it has stirred will continue to have an impact.

October: 10 of Cups (Clarified by 2 of Cups)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020Finally the cards point to some great happiness! Something around relationships, family and domestic bliss are major themes. I can’t imagine what this happy occurrence will be, but I’m sure we can all use that break!
This 10-card is in the 10th month too, so looks like something really will come to an end in a way that brings much joy.
From a corona-virus perspective, it seems some struggles and competition may continue by its impact, but not overwhelming in nature.

November: 4 of Pentacles (Clarified by 7 of wands, reversed)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020The energy here is of great insecurity, especially around finances and resources. This is possibly as internal and external resources are dwindling after a long struggle and exhaustion. There may be attempts to protect and control against forces which threaten the resources but these attempts won’t probably hold them back for long.


December: King of Pentacles (Clarified by Tower, 5 of Cups)

Tarot Reading Dominant Themes for 2020December energy seems very significant. There is a sense of being provided for (perhaps a socially responsible and benevolent leadership action occurs), and at the same time there’s likely to be a massive structural/ systemic upheaval. This will be accompanied by losses, and yet in due time what will need to be seen is the new path forward where something different awaits. Something in the world will likely shift yet again. The themes of social justice and thorough disruption are thrown up together- they may be intertwined, or perhaps occur separately in different parts of the world.

Stay well, everyone!

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